Gegen Verspannung uns Stress – für Entspannung und Achtsamkeit (Hör-CD)

Title translated into English

Easing tension and stress – towards relaxation and mindfulness (audio CD)

Other Medium

Product description

With the help of the CD, the insured can try a variety of relaxation and mindfulness exercises that at regular use promotes relaxation and calmness. All exercises are based on methods that have been proven to reduce stress and pain, such as the autogenic training , progressive muscle relaxation or exercises for mindfulness. Another selection criterion was that all exercises can be used in everyday life without much effort or additional tools. Thus enhancing the individuel health competence of employees to enable them even in times of great strain to bring down their level of agitation. Even symptoms such as headaches or back pain who often accompany strain could be reduced. Nine different relaxin and mindfulness exercises are presented. The aim is to try these exercises with the help of the CD to identify suitable exercises for oneself and later independently exercise without CD . In the booklet favourable conditions are summarized : supplementary theoretical information and information on modes of action, appropriate postures and references to literature.

Aims and objectives

The BGN produced and developed the audio CD "Easing tension and stress - towards relaxation and mindfulness" to support employees. The CD is intended for employees feeling stressed and tense and who have difficulties to find peace of mind.

At the moment, work-related stress is a widespread issue in public discussion and in specialist circles. Managers and employees who feel tense and stressed out at work is more often the rule than the exception. In specific enquiries of the enterprises for advice from the accident insurance institutions work-related stress this issue takes precedence. Stress reduction and recognition of own resources - this principle underlies the approach of the BGN to prevent mentral stress. From the perspective of the BGN conditional prevention , e.g good organization of work and ergonomic design of work conditions in the enterprise always takes precedence over behavioural prevention measures ; but at the same time the use of one´s own resources shall be encouraged, for not always strain can be reduced. And especially in the branches that are insured with the BGN, such as the hospitality industry, stress at peak times cannot be avoided and is inseparably linked with the job, so that the individual must also develop strategies to deal with strain.

Target audience

All insured employees of the BGN (German Social Accident Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry)

Contact details Editor

Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe – BGN
Dynamostraße7 - 11, Germany-68165 Mannheim

Contact details Production company

BC Verlags- und Mediengesellschaft mbH
Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring53, Germany-65185 Wiesbaden